WPICTF - getaflag
14 Apr 2019description: Come on down and get your flag, all you have to do is enter the correct password …
category: Web - 150
Trying some input:
It seems that we have to guess the password, or maybe…?
$ echo -n "SGV5IEdvdXRoYW0sIGRvbid0IGZvcmdldCB0byBibG9jayAvYXV0aC5waHAgYWZ0ZXIgeW91IHVwbG9hZCB0aGlzIGNoYWxsZW5nZSA7KQ==" | base64 -d
Hey Goutham, don't forget to block /auth.php after you upload this challenge ;)
The auth.php
Hum -> extract($_GET)
That means we can rewrite previous variable declarations !
Considering the script is using get_contents
, we can suppose that changing the $passcode
will make get_contents
return an empty string.
The flag is WPI{1_l0v3_PHP}