description: M0th3r >Hey bah quoi ? Tu t’attendais au grand M0th3r légendaire. Désolé de te décevoir. Il parait que tu veux servir la cause ? Tu m’as trouvé mais c’est pas encore gagné. C’est pas dit que j’te prenne sous mon aisselle. Tiens, entraîne toi, et on verra peut être si t’as l’étoffe d’un Pirate Cybernétique.
category: Web
First Eckmühl Down web challenge was a simple SSRF, where you had to request the service listening on the port 22. it would make a request to the URL and export the content as a PDF file. With it we can get the flag ESGI{Duke-083-B4seLine-J.D.456}.
The next challenge Rookie(, was also an SSRF, once again we can try to scan the port and we see the port 3306 (MySQL is open), a direct nmap scan will show it as filtered.
Let’s extract the source code of the challenge in order to get more context. First we extract the current working directory from /proc/self/environ with the following payload file:///proc/self/environ.
Now we know the web application is located at /var/www/html/, with the same trick we can request the content of index.php.
There is a mention of a config_test.php file, this one contains the following line // TODO: MySQL connection with "tiix" user and adding a MySQL password....
Now we know a user tiix, also he doesn’t have a password, based on that we can craft a payload to interact the MySQL database. Using Gopherus and the DumpInOneShot payload from PayloadsAllTheThings.
Dump in one shot payload : (select (@) from (select(@:=0x00),(select (@) from (information_schema.columns) where (table_schema>=@) and (@)in (@:=concat(@,0x0D,0x0A,' [ ',table_schema,' ] > ',table_name,' > ',column_name,0x7C))))a)#.
The Gopher protocol allows us to send arbitratry content to a service.
The challenge has a table nothinghere and users. First we can extract users from the database : gopher://
Some nice passwords, now let’s get the flag from security.nothinghere.