description: M0th3r > Quelque chose me perturbe. Comment un Androïde a pu passer le test des pirates cybernétique. Duke le premier de son genre n’a été crée par personne du gouvernement. Aujourd’hui disparu je veux retrouver son core. Si tu veux m’aider, tu dois passer le test des pirate Cybernétique. C’est le test que Duke-083 a passé haut la main. Récupère tout ce que tu sais sur Zedcorp.
category: Web
Two endpoints were given for this challenge http = and ssh = On the web interface we find a robots.txt with the following entries:
Web Access
From there we can access the folder.
In these logs we find some credentials for the website/
These credentials worked on the login page.
After beeing logged as admin we can query access.log and error.log with a parameter log
Fiddling with it we can access some files, but they are truncated … The content of ../../../../../../../proc/self/environ gives us the current working directory
From there we can grab the content of the admin page with ../../../../../../../var/www/html/0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661/admin.php. The website appears to filter some characters but we can use -n 10000 to force a longer output, turning this arbitratry read into command execution.
Shell Access
Let’s stick to the file read for the moment, we can read the /etc/passwd.
So there are two users trobin and test, what have they done recently ? Grabbing the .bash_history will tell us.
Nice, now we know there is a RSA key inside the .ssh/id_rsa, I lost some time looking for it inside the home of trobin. We can find it located at ../../../home/test/.ssh/id_rsa.
Real Shell
Unfortunately we are limited via SSH because of the /usr/sbin/nologin. At least we can initiate a SOCK proxy with ssh -p 5007 -i privkey -ND 9050 (Don’t forget to put the good permissions on the private key : chmod 600 privkey).
One logged we can start a bind shell with the following command.
And we can connect to the shell using proxychains to go through our SOCKS proxy.
Now we are not restricted for our commands, let’s inspect the network, the process and dig deeper inside the challenge.
So there are 3 machines : dev-server(the powned one), project-server and admin-server. Running an nmap gave us some interesting ports.
We target the port 8080 of, which was running a Apache Tomcat/7.0.81, based on that we checked CVEs and exploited CVE-2017-12617
Basically, CVE-2017-12617 is a Tomcat RCE via JSP Upload Bypass. The follow curl will create a page test.jsp with the content <% out.println(1 + 2); %>.
Again I lost some time because the exploit or the server is quite unstable there, if you have an error “500” just force refresh the page several times until you get an HTTP 200 result. The following Burp request will upload a CMD shell.
Here we are, with our first shell on project-server. Commands can be executed via It is time to dig into the box and look for sensitive data such as passwords.
Multiple users were created for this challenge but only one was interesting, once again we looked inside .bash_history and found the credential for the FTP of admin-server
We can connect to the FTP admin with user=backup and pass=46t5r2e5t&2z!. Grabbing credentials.tar.gz, decrypting and extracting the archive iss trivial with the password pass:daniel2019`.
These credentials are useful to access the web interface on admin-server. A quick test is proxychains curl http://admin:zedc0rp2019\!@ > index.html
If we log into the service with ceo without a password we get denied with the message ERROR: CEO session is currently deactivated for maintenance. Trying the others users revealed a status cookie.
user: status=dXNlcg== base64(user)
admin: status=YWRtaW4= base64(admin)
We can edit our cookie to be base64(ceo) and we get access to the following files.
The content of Rizone.pdf contains the flag : ESGI{W3_H0p3_t0_S33_y0u_N3xT_Y34R:)}